March 06, 2025

Proposed street parking changes pass and fail

Council’s action correlates with citizens’ responses to city surveys

Following the unsuccessful proposal last month to restrict street parking along the 1200-1400 block of South Sixth Avenue East, as well as the subsequent reconsideration of those same parking changes, the city council last week failed to pass parking restrictions of an abutting street and adopted the other.

The council’s actions correlate to the survey responses received for each street.

Restricted street parking on the west side of the roadway was approved for the 600-700 block of East 15th Street South. Seven residents were in favor of the proposed changes while one was opposed, according to results from the city-mailed surveys sent to adjacent property owners.

However, restricted street parking on the east side of the 600-700 block of East 14th Street South failed to pass in a 3-3 vote. The council needed at least four votes to pass the third reading of the ordinance. Three residents were in favor of the changes while five were opposed.

Council members Randy Ervin, Mark Hallam and Craig Trotter voted no.

Last month, these two restricted street parking proposals were presented as separate items alongside another at South Sixth Avenue East. Together, the three streets form a horseshoe shape. Residents who lived in the area spoke against the proposal at South Sixth Avenue East, swaying council’s vote.

They claim the neighborhood never had any problems with street parking in the past, and the only times it can seem hectic is during the holidays. Others said the city shouldn’t let one person’s complaint control the other 50-60 houses in the area. The action failed at a 3-2 vote. One council member was not present.

At the Nov. 1 city council meeting, council members almost unanimously agreed to reconsider the proposal to add restricted parking to the south side of the 1200-1400 block of South Sixth Avenue East. Trotter voted no. The first consideration of the ordinance was read and passed, too.

The second and third readings will be read at future council meetings.

Contact Christopher Braunschweig at 641-792-3121 ext. 6560 or

Christopher Braunschweig

Christopher Braunschweig

Christopher Braunschweig has a strong passion for community journalism and covers city council, school board, politics and general news in Newton, Iowa and Jasper County.