March 09, 2025

Jasper County Supervisors support Central Iowa EDD

Establishment of district would address economic and community development

Jasper County Supervisors passed a resolution of support for a proposed Central Iowa Economic Development District (EDD), which, if created with the approval of six other counties, could help the region’s municipalities acquire federal funding to better their respective communities’ projects.

Last week, Jeff Davidson, executive director of JEDCO, and Andrew Collings of the Des Moines Metropolitan Planning Organization conducted a presentation for the board of supervisors about the benefits an EDD can provide, particularly the progression of community development.

Prospects of an EDD mean more grant and funding opportunities. For instance, if Jasper County had been apart of an EDD, the county would have received some CARES Act funding, Davidson said.

Often comprised of multiple counties, EDDs — which are formed during economic downtimes — plan for economic resiliency and provide support for member communities. Seven counties would make up the Central Iowa EDD: Boone, Dallas, Jasper, Marion, Polk, Story and Warren.

Collings said he’s still working through the EDD process with the other counties and foresees the majority of them being wrapped up “hopefully by the beginning of March.”

The first step to starting the EDD is a resolution of support, which was approved in a 3-0 vote by the Jasper County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, Feb. 9.

“It does not obligate you to belong to the organization and it certainly has no financial obligation whatsoever,” Davidson said. “Those would be subsequent steps. We’re simply asking for your support of establishing it.”

Contact Christopher Braunschweig at 641-792-3121 ext. 6560 or