Club News

Baxter Garden Club

Baxter Garden Club met at the Baxter Community Building March 13. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. President Macy Lisk presented a short program about Avian/Bird Flu. Humans may contract certain strains of the virus. Gloves should be worn when disposing of dead birds, when cleaning and filling birdbaths and bird feeders. Waste should be double bagged and shoes should be cleaned after walking around feeders or droppings.

Twelve members plus two new members answered roll call: “What motivates you to get into your gardens?” New members are Debbie Hansen and Sandy Lane, both of Baxter.

Macy read the December minutes. Janet 0-amman presented an informational sheet of recent.

Cindy Brunner presented one new bill for Tea printing expenses.

Several fliers are available for upcoming events. Seeds for Thoughts Garden Symposium is in Newton, March 29, Knoxville Garden Gala is April 5 and an African Violet Show and Sale is being held in Des Moines March 28 and 29.

Beth Simbro explained the former Penny Pines program. It is now called Plant-A-Tree and requires a donation of $50 or more. Janet made a motion to participate again this year, seconded by Betty Nikkel. Motion passed.

New yearbooks were passed out. Thank you to Deb Krampe for making them.

A district president’s meeting will be held in Osceola April 7. Macy will attend.

Jasper Community Foundation Grant applications are available and due the end of April. Possible needs are a replacement planter for Main Street, a small planter for north door at community building, and trees for Geise Park. Macy will talk to city maintenance staff regarding trees and get price quotes for planters. Further discussion will be held at April meeting.

City flower beds are quite clean at this time. A spring cleanup will be delayed. Diane Halter suggested members take a bag on walks or outings to pickup trash blown in during recent storms.

Macy ordered Easy Wave pink and purple petunias plus celosia for Main Street planters. Beth ordered red and white petunias for veterans’ planters. All ordered from Flower Court in Newton as they offer a discount to our dub. The sign-up sheet is available for watering.

Cindy Brunner presented informational sheets about the spring Tea being held April 26 at 1 p.m. at the Baxter Community Building.

Jill De Vries from The Flower Court will be the Speaker. She will demonstrate flower arranging with the flowers to be raffled to a guest.

Next meeting will be April 10 at 7 p.m. at Baxter Community Building.