March 14, 2025

Colfax-Mingo FFA celebrates with annual banquet

Newly elected officers from left: Tate Carlson, Jashawn Flemming, Ava VanMaaren, Elise Engle, Gus Engle, Emma Cook and Shane Hostetter.

The Colfax-Mingo FFA Chapter celebrated its 75th annual FFA Banquet March 28. Six chapter officers presented the awards and planned this year’s banquet. This included the following members; president — Emma Cook, vice president — Tate Carlson, secretary — Lily Webster, reporter — Elise Engle, treasurer — Gus Engle and sentinel — Ava VanMaaren.

After opening ceremonies members and guests had roast pork, baked beans, Magg’s cheesy potatoes, and dessert. After the meal, awards were presented by the senior officers.

Receiving the Star Greenhand Award was freshman Jace Lewis. He received this award based on his leadership activities and SAE. Jace’s SAE consists of mowing, snow removal and helping his parents. Receiving the Star Agribusiness Award for her leadership skills and FFA activities was Emma Cook. Emma’s SAE consisted of mowing. The Star Farmer Award was Gus Engle. Gus’s SAE consists of showing pigs, working at Goldies, and helping out at the farm. Receiving the Scholarship Award was senior: Joe Earles. Receiving the Leadership Award was junior — Gus Engle. Being elected as the 2024-2025 chapter officers included; president — Elise Engle, vice president — Gus Engle, secretary — Emma Cook, treasurer — Jashawn Fleming, reporter: Ava VanMaaren, sentinel — Tate Carlson, and parliamentarian — Shane Hostetter.