January 12, 2025

Club News

Colfax Historical Society

The Dec. 18 meeting of the Colfax Historical Society was called to order at 7 p.m. by president Kevin Williams and he thanked everyone for attending. Members present were: BJ Williams, Karen Russell, Steve and Cindy L. Van Dusseldorp, Stanley Daft, Larry Daft, Aaron Bartholmey, Larry Hurto, Rachel Wilty, Don and Joyce Jessen, Deb Coulson and facility manager, Tranquillity Smith. Minutes of the November 20th, meeting was read. Treasurer’s report was presented.

We received a thank you note from Wendy Knowles, Secretary of the Iowa Welsh Society in honor and appreciation of Kevin Williams’ tour of the museum, along with a $150 donation. In turn, we sent her a thank you note for the donation.

We sent a thank you note to Carol Swift for her generous donation of the plastic covers we use on the tables. It is much appreciated.

Facility manager Tranquillity distributed her report to all the members present. She has received lots of calls for events in our community center.

The insurance was discussed and Larry D. has volunteered to visit another insurance agency to see if we can lower the cost of our insurance and make a more informed decision at our next meeting,

The museum will be open on the second Saturday of the month, Jan. 13 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The volunteers will be Peggy and Cindy L. from 10 a.m. to noon and from noon to 2 p.m. will be Don and Joyce. Admission is free.

Next meeting will be 7 p.m. Monday, Jan.15. It is open to anyone who would like to attend.