Baxter Garden Club
Baxter Federated Garden Club met on Dec. 14. Eight members were present to enjoy a Christmas potluck and gathering hosted by Deb Krampe.
Meeting called to order by co-president Beth Simbro. For roll call members shared a Christmas memory. Secretary report was given by secretary Deb Krampe who read the November minutes. There were no additions or corrections so minutes stand as read. Treasurer report was given by Mallory Carter.
Old and New Business
Co-president Beth Simbro thanked all the members for their participation in all the many Garden Club activities this past year. Several members did a wonderful job decorating some of the main street planters with greenery for the Christmas season. Members were asked to be thinking about what we would like to plant in the planters for next spring.
Beth, Peggy and Laura decorated the Garden Club Christmas Tree at the Jasper County Museum. All members were encouraged to visit the museum for this wonderful event.
Beth reminded members to save items for next year’s garage sale. Items can be stored in Barb’s garage.
Members voted to not have the Spring Tea next year and to be thinking of another event the Club might want to do.
Beth sent in the Planted Pink award for the Club.
Membership dues will remain the same for next year. These will be collected starting in March.
Members spent some time writing down ideas for next year’s meetings, programs and trips.
All members were encouraged to invite a friend or possible new member to the Club’s March meeting and to think about ways to welcome new members into the Garden Club.
Laura shared the Book of Evidence she completed and is ready to send in to FGCI. Members praised and thanked Laura for doing a fantastic job. Laura volunteered to continue to put together the Book of Evidence for next year.
Nominations and Election of Officers
Betty made a motion to have Macy and Beth continue as co-presidents, Peggy as vice-president, and Deb as secretary. Betty nominated Janet to replace Mallory as treasurer. Laura seconded the motion it carried with all members in favor.
Old and new officers will meet on Jan. 25 at 7 p.m. at Macy’s to transition for 2024. Meeting adjourned
Next meeting March 13.