January 10, 2025

Club News

Colfax Historical Society

The Aug. 21 meeting of the Colfax Historical Society was called to order at 7 p.m. by president Kevin Williams and he thanked everyone for attending. Members present were: BJ Williams, Karen Russell, Cindy L. Van Dusseldorp, Stanley Daft, Larry Daft, Charlet Daft, Aaron Bartholmey, Rachel Wilty, Joyce Jessen, Larry Hurto, Peggy Dvorak, Doug Wilson, facility manager Amanda Resse and new facility manager Tranquillity Smith. Minutes of the July 24 meeting were read. Treasurer’s report was presented.

Correspondence: The Iowa 2023 Biennial Report for an Iowa Nonprofit Corporation was received by us and filed by Otto Law Office on March 22. We provided a plant in memory of Norma Jean Warnock at her funeral. She was a charter member and very active member as long as she was able. Marilyn Myerly of Agura Hills, Calif., donated a small glass with the engraving of D. C. & Fry Co. (pure Colfax Water). This belonged to her father, Henry R Hughes, who graduated from Colfax High School.

Facility manager Amanda distributed her report to all the members present. Tranquillity Smith was introduced as our new facility manager beginning Aug. 21. Amanda will be helping train her until the end of August.

Larry and Kevin will be working on getting all calls to our office automatically sent to Tranquillity’s phone number 515-290-3439 soon. We will be changing the website number also.

Concerning our addition, Doug Wilson presented two bids for ceiling and wall drywall, plus wall insulation. Karl Peters $6,257 and Greene $7,200.

Diane Dafflito donated two pictures to be hung in our museum pertaining to the Maytag washing machine. One was a P Buckley Moss, the other a Randy Souders.

Nominating Committee volunteers for 2024 will be Karen Russell, Peggy Dvorak and Joyce Jessen. They will be meeting and calling members. They are to report back at the October Annual Meeting Oct. 16.

The form “Duties of Colfax Historical Society Facilities Manager” was handed out to all members and they are to read it and offer any suggestions at our next meeting.

Connections Drop-in Center from Newton has requested a tour of our museum Sept. 28 at 12:30 p.m. Peggy and Karen have volunteered.

We will be open the second Saturday of the month, Sept. 9 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The volunteers will be Kevin and BJ from 10 a.m. to noon and from noon until 2 p.m. will be Don and Joyce. Admission is free.

We will have the museum open on Sundays from 2 to 4 p.m. and ending on Sept. 3. The next Sunday open is Aug. 27 with Kevin and BJ volunteering to be there. It will also be admission “free”.

A big thank you to all the volunteers who help at the museum when needed.

Next meeting will be at 7 p.m. Sept.18. It is open to anyone who would like to attend.