February 05, 2025

4H/FFA Rabbit and Cavy Workshop at Jasper County Fairgrounds

The 4H and FFA rabbit and cavy workshop will be from 12:30 to 4 p.m. April 22 at the Jasper County Fairgrounds in Colfax. Speakers will discuss rabbit and cavy breeds and health. Youth are encouraged to bring their rabbits and cavies to be evaluated and to show them in a “practice” show.

Rabbit tattooing and cavy tagging will be available. Rabbits and cavies will be for sale.

Youth can build a carrier by reserving supplies for a cost by calling Bill at 515-556-5123 or emailing Wolferabbit3@mediacombb.net. There is no need to register and no coast to attend (except for those youth who purchase rabbits or cavies and /or build a carrier and/or purchase rabbit or cavy equipment).

Youth will receive free tickets for drawings for rabbit and cavy supplies. Youth from Iowa and other states may attend even if they are or are not enrolled in 4H or FFA.

This workshop is sponsored by Iowa State Rabbit Breeders, Iowa State University & Outreach 4H, South Central and Cedar Rapids Iowa rabbit breeders, Eldon C. Stutsman Inc and Heinold Feeds.

Questions can be answered by Bill Wolfe at 515-285-6929 or Lynne Rechterman at 563-260-5295 or Hannah Dunlap at Dunlha00@gmail.com. This workshop began in 2002 and has been held in the spring in central Iowa with more than 1,000 youth attending since 2002.