February 15, 2025

Iowans should decide who sits in a congressional seat

I am Melissa Doll, a voter in Iowa’s U.S. House District 2. This letter is to encourage Iowans — regardless of party affiliation — to support the rule of law and demand that our duly elected representative, Marionette Miller-Meeks, be allowed to take her seat in Congress. Why the need for this letter?

As most District 2 voters know, on Nov. 3, the race between Dr. Miller-Meeks and Rita Hart was too close to call, the vote count one of the closest U.S. Congressional races in history. Due to the tight margin and an irregularity in Jasper County, two vote recounts occurred, first in Jasper County and later in all of District 2. After the recounts, Dr. Miller-Meeks emerged as Iowa’s District 2 congresswoman with a 6-vote win.

Under Iowa law, Rita Hart had the opportunity to file a lawsuit challenging the election results. This lawsuit would have been heard by a panel of Iowa judges, including the Chief Justice of the Iowa Supreme Court.

However, instead of asking for a fair court hearing in our home state, Ms. Hart bypassed the will of Iowa voters and has taken her case to U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.

This move takes the election out of Iowans’ hands and gives control to a person from California.

Why should one person — Californian Nancy Pelosi — throw out the votes of 400,000 Iowans? Though close, Iowa’s vote did not go to Rita Hart and Iowa law was not able to weigh in on the situation.

Voters in Iowa House District 2, please join me in insisting that IOWANS decide who sits in our congressional seat and that the person seated attains the position lawfully and with election integrity.

Whether you voted for or against Marionette Miller-Meeks, the will of the majority of Iowa voters must be respected, even if the majority is that of six votes. Dr. Miller-Meeks won Iowa’s District 2 House seat, and since Ms. Hart did not follow proper Iowa legal channels to have her say in court, Dr. Miller-Meeks deserves to represent Iowa in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Melissa Doll, Iowa District 2 voter
