If Newton residents want to install a fence, they’re now going to need a permit.
Increased reports of fence rules violations and other related disputes has prompted the city to amend its ordinance, providing more clarity to residents for the future. On Monday, June 15, Newton City Council unanimously approved the amendment, which was recommended by the planning and zoning commission.
According to city documents, there have been questions or debate about “fences constructed beyond lot lines, privacy-style fences constructed in drainage easements, fences exceeding height restrictions outlined in the zoning ordinance and various other fence-related issues.”
Fences are required to meet certain standards beset by the city. If installed incorrectly, the property owners must then remove or adjust their fence accordingly. The amended ordinance does not remove any of the existing language, but adds more details.
For instance, no closed fences shall be permitted within existing storm sewer and drainage easements. Only open-style fences may be installed within these easements to allow for proper surface drainage. Fence installs within these areas are completed at the owner’s risk and may be removed for maintenance access.
All proposed fence installations in the city are required to have permits from the community development department before construction may begin.
City of Newton summarizes its fence regulations as follows:
• Fences can be constructed inside or on the property lines.
• Fence height is limited to four feet in high in front yards (defined as any area between the house and a street) and must be at least 50 percent open.
• Fences are limited to seven feet in all other yards and may be privacy-style.
Barbed wire fences are only permitted for livestock and other agricultural uses or atop security fences in commercial and industrial zones. Electric fences are only allowed for livestock enclosures and cannot carry a charge greater than 25 milliamperes nor a pulsating current longer than one-tenth second per second.
The city’s community development department can be reached through the city’s automated directory by calling 641-792-2787.
Contact Christopher Braunschweig at 641-792-3121 ext. 6560 or cbraunschweig@newtondailynews.com