July 07, 2024

Maytag Pool opening date postponed

Leak provides another setback for staff, who already have to deal with COVID-19 and a delayed opening

Unforeseen mechanical issues have postponed the opening of Maytag Pool.

When filling the facility with water for the 2020 season, public works staff discovered “a very substantial leak” in the pool itself, community services manager Brian Laube said. Workers noticed the pool depth would not rise any further after it met a certain height threshold.

“Normally, the pool takes ‘X’ amount of days to fill, and it was reaching a point where we weren’t gaining any more ground on filling it,” Laube told Newton News on Friday afternoon. “We detected some water coming out of a drain tile aways from the pool.”

Since then, the city has been working with a contractor to detect where the leak is coming from. As of Friday, Laube said staff did not know the extent of the problem or have a proposed fix. To his knowledge, the pool has not “had anything this substantial” since the pool was reconstructed in 1996.

Maytag Pool was expected to open to the public Tuesday, June 16.

In addition to filling the pool, the city’s community services division was in the process of starting staff training, orientations and revised operating procedures. Lifeguards were scheduled for in-service training sessions a few days before doors opened. Those have been put on hold for now, Laube said.

“I hope to have some more information to share probably with the city council Monday night,” Laube said. “There’s no actual agenda item, but it will likely be during the discussion at the end of the meeting — maybe an update.”

The postponement is yet another setback for Maytag Pool, which was impacted by the state’s health restrictions following the COVID-19 pandemic. Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds eventually allowed for socially distanced lap swims and swimming lessons. Since then, the governor has said pools can reopen.

Adhering to public health guidelines is still recommended. At first, city staff recommended the pool close its 2020 season, citing expenses, a diminished experience and a public health concerns. All six Newton City Council members were split about whether to open.

Eventually, Newton Mayor Mike Hansen submitted the deciding vote, allowing Maytag Pool to reopen its doors.

Contact Christopher Braunschweig at 641-792-3121 ext. 6560 or cbraunschweig@newtondailynews.com