June 30, 2024

Conservation board delays opening public facilities at campgrounds

Don't break out your tentpoles, campers just yet

While Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds eased restrictions enough for parks to open up campgrounds, showers and bathrooms to eager campers, the Jasper County Conservation Board decided it wasn't quite time to fully open up the parks in that way.

The board took into account the people coming into the parks as well as the amount of work needed to maintain them by park staff maintaining.

"Our conservation board decided in May when we met that they were not ready to open everything up," Jasper County Conservation Director Keri Van Zante said. "We meet again June 10 to discuss."

The sanitation measures that will be taken after the facilities open to patrons includes regularing cleanings in the mornings and evenings.

"We are not doing it for any bad reasons, only good reasons to try to keep people as safe as possible," Van Zante said.

While the parks aren't completely open yet, there are still plenty of things to do. Activities including hiking the trails, enjoying the fishing spots or simply just getting out in the parks and enjoying some fresh air.

"I would like to thank everybody for the support. We have had so much support ... So much social media support and so much support from people going out to our parks," Van Zante said.

The lastest update from JCC was last week and language has remained the same on its Facebook page. It states "campgrounds, restrooms, drinking fountains and playgrounds will remained closed due to continued COVID-19 concerns." Additionally, since there are no dump stations in county campgrounds and self-contained units are not allowed, either.

People are invited to continue to follow the Jasper County Conservation Facebook page for updates as well as see content from inside the parks. JCC has been doing regular videos for those who may not want to go out into the parks.

"We are putting out new ones every week," Van Zante said. "We have so many cool things that we are doing videos on out in our parks."

Contact Dustin Teays at 641-792-3121 ext. 6533 or dteays@newtondailynews.com