February 22, 2025

PCM Food Pantry open for those in need

Stable work and reliable pay checks have become out of reach for many people due to the pandemic. Layoffs, businesses forced to be closed to slow the spread and reduced hours to curb financial uncertainty have made normally stable incomes evaporate in the past several weeks.

The PCM Food Pantry is doing its part to help those who need a hand during the unprecedented times. Located at the Monroe Presbyterian Church, 115 S. Main St., the pantry is running at full speed with a few modifications.

“The COVID-19 crisis requires us to do curb side delivery,” organizer Ann Johnson said. “We have been so fortunate to have people volunteer to help our regular volunteers out. Some of our volunteers have opted to stay home and we support whatever decision they make about that.”

One silver lining to the current situation is the outpouring of support the pantry has received. From food donations to financial support, the communities the pantry serves have stepped up in a big way.

“Our communities have responded with amazing donations of food and financial gifts. We have received generous financial gifts from individuals as well as contributions from churches and businesses and churches. Folks collected food on a Scoop the Loop event in Prairie City” Johnson said. “I really want to encourage anyone who is affected by the shut down of work or the slow down to stop in to use the pantry. We are able to serve our neighbors, but it is those people we are missing that I worry about.”

The pantry is also offering a delivery service during this time. If delivery is needed, people are asked to call the church while it is open and a time will be made to drop off groceries at the residence.

A hard to find item, toilet paper, is also available through the pantry, Johnson said. There has been a steady supply available but if anyone finds they can do without all of the rolls they have stockpiled, the pantry is more than willing to take it, Johnson said with a laugh.

Most importantly, Johnson wants people to know the pantry will be there, working to feed those in need, for the long run.

“Once the stimulus check is gone or the weeks drag along, we will be around. Please come if you need to,” Johnson said. “We are still always willing to receive donations. And thank you for everything we have already received.”

Contact Jamee A. Pierson at 641-792-3121 ext. 6534 or jpierson@newtondailynews.com