State of Iowa bracing, but prepared for COVID-19

The health, safety, and economic well-being of Iowans is a top priority for our communities. While the situation remains fluid, the best way to address the challenge is to remain calm, be responsible, and do our part to help our community.

The Legislature’s smart financial planning ensures our local communities will have the funds necessary to maintain essential services. Iowa’s Senate helped create a “Rainy Day Fund” that is 100 percent funded. The Legislature approved the Governor immediate access to nearly $20 million to address the crisis over the next 30-days. Additionally, the Legislative Council may approve up to a total of $196 million in funding until the Legislature reconvenes.

The Legislature approved Senate File 2048, providing $525,000 to the State Hygienic Lab to ensure COVID-19 testing continues fully-funded over the next six-weeks. Additionally, a $91.8 million appropriation will cover all costs for Medicaid, Hawk-I and the Glenwood Resource Center.

Finally, the Legislature prioritized managing a safe response to the COVID-19 outbreak over policy debates. Legislator passed Senate Concurrent Resolution 102 to temporarily pause the 2020 session until April 15. This effort is intended to stop the spread of the virus from the Capitol, back to communities across the state.

The critical coming weeks require we do the basics, and it bears repeating: wash hands for 30-seconds; cough into our elbow (not our hands); keep six feet apart; and stay home when sick. With the epidemic expanding in Iowa by “community spread,” each of us has a role in preventing contagion that can lessen the number of deaths and infected and speed our economic recovery.

State Acts Decisively To Curb Spread of Virus

Iowa took aggressive action with Governor Reynolds' State of Public Health Disaster Emergency to implement practical and non-panic strategies to combat COVID-19. "These are unprecedented times and the state of Iowa will do whatever is necessary to address this public health disaster. I have authorized all available state resources, supplies, equipment and materials to combat the spread of COVID-19," Gov. Reynolds said.
These Emergency actions aim to prevent a disastrous inundation of hospitals with mass infection. Protective measures including: closing schools, canceling mass gatherings, working from home, limiting exposure and self-isolation — to keep the virus from spreading fast. Epidemiologists call this strategy of preventing a huge spike in cases "flattening the curve," and will minimize risk and ensure critical care facilities can serve the population.

Working closely with educator and health officials, Iowa’s schools were recommended to close for four weeks. Authority to make the decision remained with locally elected school boards. The Iowa Legislature has waived the requirement for schools to reschedule days due to cancellation through April 12. Ultimately, the final decision to make-up days lost to COVID-19 will remain with each school districts.

Thank a medical worker, caregiver and business owner

The Governor’s Emergency Declaration provides short-term powers to the executive branch to address the greatest public health threats. Immediately, the Governor moved to close restaurants, bars, fitness center, theaters, casinos, limits mass gatherings to 10 people, and restricts access to senior citizen and adult daycare facilities – now through midnight March 31.

Access is limited, but we can still support our local businesses! While main street shops may have reduced hours, or close, remember that many Iowans depend on our community stores for their livelihood. Take-out/take-away, delivery or pre-made orders are being accepted at restaurants and breweries.  Many grocery stores and pharmacies have safe hours for the high-risk population and reduced hours to providing cleaning and restocking. When you see your local grocer, neighborhood nurse, first-responder or local business worker, be sure to thank them for all their hero’s work during this hard time.

Resources for Employees and


Iowa has incredible employers accommodating the needs of Iowans during the disruption caused by COVID-19. The state of Iowa is actively working to help provided resources.

For employees, Iowa Workforce Development has shorten the time to receive unemployment benefits. If you are laid off due to COVID-19 or have to stay home to self-isolate, care for family members or due to illness related to COVID-19, you can receive unemployment benefits, provided you meet all other eligibility requirements. Claimants can expect to receive payment within 7-10 days after filed.

For employers, unemployment claims that are filed as a result of COVID-19, will not be charged to employers. IWD encourages all employers to utilize paid leave and telework options for employees before utilizing temporary layoffs. Additionally, Iowa’s Emergency Declaration will enable employers to apply for low interests loans with the Small Business Administration to help keep business operating during the crisis.

Key Resources

Please keep up-to-date on COVID-19 resources here:

• Iowa Department of Public Health has established a public hotline for Iowans with questions about COVID-19. The line is available 24/7 by calling 2-1-1 or 1-800-244-7431.

• Iowa Workforce Development team is dedicated to providing assistance to employees and employers by contacting 1-866-239-0843, or visit

• Latest statewide updates will be provided by Sen Zach Nunn at