The upcoming veterans outreach event has been solidified by Jasper County Veterans Affairs with various guest speakers, radio advertisements and door prizes for veterans to win during the event among other things.
Scheduled to take place from 5-8 p.m. April 7 in the Newton DMACC Campus the event now has a flier printed. The flier features all that veterans need to know about what they will find at the event from the food down to some of the speakers who will be present.
“Currently I think I am at 15 exhibitors and still more to come possibly,” director Kurt Jackson said.
For the radio advertisement Jackson was able to play for the board what the ad sounds like. The board members agreed that the ad sounded like what they wanted and Jackson said he would give the go ahead with the radio ad.
“They should run the last two weeks of March and the first week of April,” Jackson said.
There were also questions of who will be doing what and when they can get into the venue to start setting up. Jackson said they can get in to set up starting at 4 p.m. Commissioner Marta Ford agreed to do a registration.
“What do I have to do for registration?,” Ford said.
The board eventually agreed that the
registration will also help when drawing for door prizes. Not only does it serve that purpose Jackson said it will also give them a way to assess how many people attended the event.
“I just figure we put 3x5 cards and fold them in half and put them in a box that way I can pull them back out for who wins the door prizes,” Jackson said.
The board also discussed a budget item regarding the printer that is having issues in the office. The board put a tentative $1,500 cost from the allocation fund to cover going in on purchasing a new machine.
“We share the cost with some others,” Jackson said.
At the end of the meeting the Jasper County Veterans Affairs board went into closed session to discuss the 2020-21fiscal year schedule. The next regular meeting is scheduled at 3 p.m. April 8 in the Annex Building.
Contact Dustin Teays at 641-792-3121 ext. 6533 or