City staff said construction of a new platted area in former Barton trust land is needed and has requested the Newton City Council approve a resolution for the phase I construction project of Arbor Estates during its meeting Monday afternoon at city hall.
According to the city council agenda, the city’s engineering firm has already prepared plans and specifications for phase I of the proposed Arbor Estates construction project. The estimated construction costs totaling $1,362,000 will be paid using Fairmeadows North TIF bond proceeds.
Likewise, staff has also requested council members adopt a resolution approving the preliminary plat for a subdivision of Arbor Estates. This particular plat is a 30-lot residential subdivision located in northeast Newton, north of the Fairmeadows subdivision between East 23rd Street North and East 26th Street North and along new North Eighth Avenue Place East.
Grant funds for signage
Following the closure of The Floor Store a few months ago, the property has transitioned into a dance studio, or Kayla’s Dance Studio. The Downtown Grant Review Board recommended approval of awarding Downtown Micro Grant funds for a sign removal and a new sign.
City staff want the council to approve the granting of $1,300 in grant funds, provided a one-to-one match is met. Kayla June of Kayla’s Dance Studio would be receiving the Downtown Micro Grant.
28E Agreement with county
Both the City of Newton and Jasper County provide building inspections for their respective jurisdictions, agenda documents said, but sometimes inspectors are out of the office for vacation or sick leave. A 28E Agreement was proposed to authorize the mutual provision of substitute inspections services between the city and the county.
According to city documents, it is believed this agreement will result in a cost savings to both parties since the need for contract inspection services will be reduced. Staff recommend the city approve a one-year 28E Agreement with the county to allow for substitute building inspections between both entities.
Parking enforcement software
Current parking enforcement software for the Newton Police Department is “outdated and does not currently meet their needs for efficient operations.” OptoPark, LLC proposed a three-year agreement for parking enforcement software and processing services at a rate of $3.25 per issued parking ticket and $1.50 per issued late notice.
The Newton Police Department claimed the new software would save more than 300 hours of staff time annually.
Miss Iowa USA
The Newton City Council will consider approving a $4,500 sponsorship to director Future Productions for the Miss Iowa USA and Miss Teen Iowa USA pageants Oct. 4-6. The pageant is requesting assistance in covering the costs of renting the Newton High School auditorium. Organizers say the sponsorship will help offset the costs of the rental.
According to the agenda documents, the funds will be taken from the Community Marketing Budget’s Sponsorship funds, which has a total of $5,200. This would leave $700 to help support local events that benefit the community through June 30, 2020.
Contact Christopher Braunschweig at 641-792-3121 ext. 6560 or