A traditional event meant to help fundraise money for the Colfax Fire Department, as well as bring the community together, is set to take place.
Crew members of the Colfax Fire Department and EMS will be at the fire department March 16 for their 26th Annual Soup Supper. Among the food available to the public will be homemade chili and potato soup.
Serving will begin at 5 p.m. at the fire station at 113 W. State St. in Colfax. Donated checks can be made out to the Colfax Firefighter’s Association.
All money raised from the supper will go toward upgrading some of the equipment. Brandon Bruxvoort, a Colfax firefighter, said some of the proceeds will go toward repairing some of the lights inside the garage, where the fire trucks are stored when not in use.
The event has been taking place each year since 1994, and at each event is Ron Gearhart, who was the Colfax Fire chief from 1975 to 2006. Gearhart has kept a scrapbook of the flyers of almost all of the events since it began.
Gearhart said they make the food and serve it to more than 200 people who attend.
“We make 50 gallons of soup,” Gearhart said. “More than 200 people on average attend.”
With the funds they’ve raised in the past, they have been able to use it to help reshape the fire department building. These days, they are able to use it to help stay up to date with the latest firefighting equipment such as the jaws of life, protective equipment and radios.
“Typically, technology upgrades or equipment upgrades that we don’t budget for,” Bruxvoort said. “We’ve got personal protective equipment in the past.”
According to previous Jasper County Tribune articles, in 2018 the department purchased a $98,500 brush truck, a $4,944.30 radio upgrade, a $10,722.43 in-motion computer and a $10,705 ambulance upgrade for defibrillator transmitting capabilities. The funds and upgrades assist the 35-volunteer staff with training and constant certification to ensure they are executing up-to-date techniques and practices when responding to a call.
Bruxvoort said he thanks the community for supporting the fire department and for continuing to support the fire department in the future.
“Without the support of the community, we couldn’t do what we do up here,” Bruxvoort said. “It’s very much appreciated when people come up and support us.”
Contact Orrin Shawl at 641-792-3121 ext. 6533 or oshawl@newtondailynews.com