December 21, 2024

Newton could be new Ethanol empire

Future talk around Newton regarding corn ethanol production might be a hot topic in 2019. That subject could be about a potential new motor fuel blend, as I see it. Chemists could experiment; and call the new blend 50/50: 50 percent gasoline and 50 percent corn ethanol.

A newly sustainable gasoline blend will depend on the massive expansion of corn growing geography in America. Strong optimistic agricultural trends and current corn growing science point the way forward. Newton geographically is located as the epicenter of what could be a new ethanol fuel empire. Let’s view our city with great possibilities as an ethanol research center and corn farming expansion hub. Most gasoline sold in the United States has percentages of 10 percent or 15 percent corn ethanol. Depending on the time of the year E-15 is available eight months and E-10 is pumped all year long.

The benefits of increasing corn ethanol availability are huge. Corn is a renewable plant and ecological resource. Its usefulness for fuel as an additive is that it has a higher octane rating than gasoline. Blend in more corn ethanol...get more power.

Car companies are building smaller four-cylinder turbo-charged engines. In sizes such as 1-liter (1,000 cc’s), 1.5 and 2-liters as most popular displacements. These motors have lots of power and torque in a small package. Add 50 percent ethanol to gas and an auto manufacturer could increase the mileage rating and horse power as well.

Following that formula would help clean the environment and preserve limited petroleum deposits worldwide. A win-win-situation for all conservation concerns.

How is Newton fitting into all of this? Newton is middle-earth for an expanded corn ethanol research location. Imagine our city as a “silicon valley” of fuel research and corn farming management corporations. An empire of expanded corn farming in a lateral band of states; both Dakota’s, Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, Indiana and Wisconsin. To meet the challenge of producing greater amounts of corn ethanol a new land-rush to agriculture utilizing every productive square meter of arable land in these states must take place. It’s going to be a new world of jobs and crop growing technology that would develop for every farm, no matter how large or small the acres of size.

The new hybrid seed technology is here today. New thicker and shorter corn stalks with much deeper roots are able to withstand climate change and drought. These new corn plants have greater yield and will produce three gallons of ethanol or more per bushel.

The amount of corn ethanol could be unlimited. 50/50 fuel would be what every driver wants. More engine power, cleaner exhaust and better air to breath. Let’s see how 50/50 would work on a race track. As Iowa Speedway is part of greater Newton this excellent track facility could provide an additional engine research component to help establish 50/50. “NASCAR Green”, is the E-15 fuel blend used for competition. Have NASCAR try 50/50 in trials. I believe they would be very pleased with the results.

William Hume writes nationally regarding transportation issues, for commentary contact William at,