March 23, 2025

NDN Election Central Q&A: Independent Jerry Chandler

Name: Jerry Lee Chandler Jr.

City: Newton

Office sought: Jasper county board of supervisor

Occupation: Master Journeyman/Plumber

Education: graduate Newton Senior High School. Graduate ABC apprenticeship

Elected offices held: none

1. Reintroduce yourself to Jasper County voters and explain why you want to be on the board of supervisors.

I am a lifelong Jasper County resident, graduated NHS in 1982. (I) Graduated from American Builders and Contractors Skilled Trade Schooling as a master-journeyman/ plumber. (I) have owned and operated a successful plumbing and heating business since 2000, in addition to being employed by Jasper County from 2009 through 2016 as a maintenance tech and later the assistant maintenance director.

2. What do you believe are the two most important issues Jasper County is dealing with presently? Do you feel current elected leadership is making a conscious effort to address these matters?

In my opinion, the most important issue is job development and growth. While all the surrounding counties are growing and bringing new business to their communities, Jasper County has not grown or prospered in the same way. Number 2 is the maintenance and quality of county roads. Our parents, grandparents and even great-grandparents worked too hard and gave so much to make this a GREAT and SAFE community to raise a family.

3. Do you feel the communication between the supervisors and taxpayers is adequate regarding the future of the Jasper County Annex Building and the currently unresponsive courthouse clock tower? Why or why not?

I don't believe the Jasper County (citizens) are totally informed of the problems with Annex Building. I think more residents should attend supervisor meetings and question the problems. As far as the clock tower, grant's were given for the repair of the clocks and this job has not been properly completed.

4. How proactive should the board of supervisors be on the possible disappearance of state property tax backfill payments from the Iowa Legislature?

I think the board should be very aware of this issue. If the state governments are going to cut this funding, they should have another option ready.

5. Do you believe the supervisors should be more transparent regarding board mistakes and errors, even if it may reflect badly on the county? Do the taxpayers have a right to know?

I was raised to own up to your mistakes when they are made. Mistakes are made every day and most of the time can be fixed. Not discussing them or keeping them under wraps only makes things worse. The taxpayers have the right to know what's going on

6. What is a priority you hope to bring more attention to during your term as supervisor?

My biggest priority for our county is to work harder at getting business growth and development. We have some great people here and we need to build our economy

7. How do you decide whether a project is worth taxpayer investment? What factors play into your final decision?

First and foremost, is it going to benefit or better our count? Is it for the good of our residents? Second, is it something the county really needs or is it something we just want?

8. How would you handle discourse with fellow supervisors who may have conflicting ideas?

I decided to run as an independent candidate for several reasons, and one of the deciding factors was I'm so tired of the Republican/Democrat fight for power. We are all Americans and are fighting for the same cause. I would listen to the pros and cons of the fellow supervisors and discuss as adults how to come to a decision that is best for all involved. We are all on the SAME TEAM.