February 07, 2025

Election Central Questionnaire: Jasper County Supervisor: Rhonda Paine

Name: Rhonda Paine

City: Rural Jasper County

Office sought: Jasper County Board of Supervisors



Elected offices held:

1. What do you feel is the most important issue Jasper County will be facing during your term as a supervisor? What suggestions do you have to deal with that issue?

Infrastructure spending. The current state of the infrastructure is abysmal and will take a large effort and some time to correct.  Once corrected a much better maintenance schedule and means to do that must be established.  Spending on areas outside the benefit range of all taxpayers must be reduced or eliminated.

2. What are some important principles county supervisors should keep in mind when determining how taxpayer dollars are spent in Jasper County?

Spending must benefit all taxpayers.  The taxpayer is paying the bills and should expect to see benefit from doing so, like Police, Fire and Roads to name the top tier of priorities. Supervisors need to take the long view instead of kicking the can down the road as that has proven to be disastrous for the counties infrastructure.  Prioritizing spending based on political correctness must be avoided and/or eliminated.  The goal of the county has to be to ensure its citizens can conduct daily life as well as productive business in a safe county.

3.  What can be done to address Jasper County's infrastructure needs to keep ahead of maintenance needs?

Proper funding of road maintenance will be a priority; underfunded roads have placed the county in a position that requires rebuilding that will not be easy to correct or instant.  A process to fix the roads while also keeping the current roads from getting any worse is a top priority.  We already have a mapping system in place purchased by the county that can be used to keep track of road problems as they occur.  This could be accessed by both county staff and county residents to better inform taxpayers on maintenance schedules as well as a resident reporting service that will increase the county maintenance staffs ability to resolve problems before roads get to the point they are in now.  This problem must be addressed as soon as possible or we risk leaving the taxpayer on the hook for expensive liability issues related to poor road conditions.

4. The future of the Jasper County Annex building is still undetermined despite discussion by the current board. What do you think should be done with the structure?

The building should be fixed and its current function preserved until a long-term resolution for all county properties can be reached and implemented.  Once that is done the building may need to be sold.  In any case, its condition will be important whether we keep it, re-purpose it, or decide to sell it, or move to a more universally beneficial site for all county functions.

5. Why do you think voters should support your candidacy for supervisor?

Because I understand that the supervisor position is about being a watchdog for the taxpayer.  In that capacity, it may not be the desires of individuals or agencies within the county that will be my top priority instead it will be the taxpayer.  The taxpayer will finally have someone who will look after their interests while they do what all taxpayers do, work for a living.