March 14, 2025

Newton Public Library renovations underway

Hours, services to change

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A spring makeover is in order for the Newton Public Library. During the extensive renovations there will be changes to the facility’s hours and services through May.

The library will be closed from March 26 through late May, and during that time the library office will offer limited services beginning April 2 with hours changing to 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Story times will be held at the Pregnancy Center of Central Iowa, 709 First Ave. W. Suite 1 and the Newton YMCA at regularly scheduled times.

All other programs will be paused until the building reopens and ongoing updates will be announced on the library’s website and Facebook page.

The Newton Public Library sees more than 100,000 visitors a year through its facility. This amount of foot traffic has taken its toll on the carpet and has maxed out its life at just more than 25 years.

Studio Meele was contracted by the Newton Public Library Foundation to create specifications for color palette, carpet design, electrical wiring, removal of bulkheads and new desk designs were added as alternates to the plan specifications.

Newton Public Library Director Nicole Lindstrom said some of the main changes coming include a better flow of traffic when entering the library, making the front desk ADA accessible and adding more study space.

One of the biggest priorities in the new plan will be the main service desk where patrons check out books. People who use wheelchairs are unable to reach the desk and interact well with librarians. The plan for the desk is to be a lower, rectangular shape.

The new design plan features an exceptional amount of sitting and studying space on the southwest side of the building where the newspapers and magazines will be. Additionally, one of the service desks will be moved closer to the entrance where shelves are currently stationed.

Lindstrom said she is most excited to see a fresh industrial and mechanical theme at the library along with new signage to direct people where they need to go.

“Right now you can’t see the information desk because of the shelves, and I think patrons will be surprised when they come into the new library with the new open space,” Lindstrom said. “They will clearly see where they need to go.”

The library board began planning these changes in January 2016 by hiring George Lawson of Library Planning in Ames, through funds donated by the Friends of the Library.

A resolution will be presented to Newton City Council Monday awarding the contract to do all renovations. The city has put forward $100,000 from 2017 bond to assist in the project.

The library board has also received two-thirds of its donations for the project from the Library Foundation and Friends of the Library.

“We want the temporary closure to be as smooth as possible for everyone,” Lindstrom said. “The date the contractors will be done is May 21, but we don’t have an official grand opening day because we want to make sure everything is back in order and computers are hooked back up properly.”

Services available during the renovations:

• New book requests and inter-library loan

• Hold pick-ups on new items

• Notary services by appointment

• Public Wi-Fi and daily newspaper in the library lobby

Contact Kayla Singletary at 641-792-3121 ext. 6533 or