March 03, 2025

Criminal Court Dispositions

The following criminal cases were adjudicated in Jasper County District Court during the week of April 22-24:

Tanner Scott Auten, 23, was found guilty by Judge Terry Wilson of driving while barred (habitual offender) and violation of probation as the result of a plea agreement. He was sentenced to 730 days in prison, all but 30 days suspended, with credit for 30 days of jail time already served, and fined $625. He also received one year of probation. An additional charge of operating while intoxicated (third of subsequent offense) was dismissed by the court as part of the plea agreement.

Richard Allen Carpenter, 57, was found guilty by Judge Steve Holwerda of operating while intoxicated (first offense) as the result of a plea agreement. He was sentenced to 30 days in jail and fined $1,250.

Denise Lacey Johnson, 32, was found guilty by Judge Steve Holwerda of driving on the wrong side of a two-lane highway as the result of a plea agreement. She was fined $100. The charges were reduced from an original charge of operating while intoxicated (first offense).

Cody John Kelso, 25, had a deferred judgment on charges of controlled substance violation and failure to affix a drug tax stamp revoked by Judge John Lloyd. As a result of a plea agreement, he was sentenced to five years in prison, suspended, and three years probation.

Lacy Aglaia Olson, 33, had a deferred judgment on a charge of operating while intoxicated (first offense) revoked by Judge Steve Holwerda. As a result of a plea agreement, she was sentenced to two days in jail and fined $1,250.

Suzanne Dawn Prichard, 24, entered into a plea agreement and was found guilty of operating while intoxicated (second offense) and willful disturbance. She was sentenced by Judge John Lloyd to 30 days in jail and fined $2,190. The willful disturbance charge was amended from an earlier charge of assault on a peace officer.

Jacob Rae Stengele, 19, was found guilty by Judge Steve Holwerda of possession of a controlled substance and interference with official acts resulting in injury as a result of a plea agreement. He was sentenced to 15 days in jail and fined $940. He additionally was found guilty of third-degree burglary as a result of the plea agreement and was sentenced to five years in prison, suspended, and two years probation. He was fined $750, suspended. He additionally was found in violation of a previous probation sentence imposed in January and was sentenced to an additional 15 days in jail, consecutive to the previous sentences.

Benyemin Ardalon Zargarian, 31, was found guilty by Judge Steve Holwerda of driving while barred (habitual offender) as a result of a plea agreement. He was sentenced to 10 days in jail and fined $625.

Anthony Michael Houle, 33, was found guilty by Judge Steve Holwerda of public intoxication as a result of a plea agreement. He was fined $65.

The following criminal cases were adjudicated in Jasper County District Court during the week of April 29-May 3:

Anthony Ray Amos, 52, was found guilty by Judge Steve Holwerda of assault causing bodily injury as a result of a plea agreement. He was sentenced to 20 days in jail and fined $315.

Jose Manuel Andrade-Yepez, 39, was found guilty by Judge Steve Holwerda of driving while license revoked as a result of a plea agreement. He was sentenced to two days in jail and fined $1,000.

Adam Robert Brown, 21, was found guilty by Judge Steve Holwerda of possession of a controlled substance. He was sentenced to two days in jail and fined $315.

Tammy Renee Davis, 34, was found guilty by Judge Steve Holwerda of possession of marijuana (third or subsequent offense) as a result of a plea agreement. She was sentenced to two years in prison, suspended, and two years probation. She was fined $625, suspended.

James Allen Knutsen, 32, was found guilty by Judge Steve Holwerda of fourth-degree theft as a result of a plea agreement. He was sentenced to 180 days in jail, all but two suspended, and one year probation. He was fined $315, suspended.

Thomas James Odem, 33, was sentenced on a September 2012 jury conviction of domestic abuse assault causing injury to two days in jail and fined $315.

Nathan Raleigh Ross, 27, was found guilty by Judge Steve Holwerda of possession of a controlled substance as a result of a plea agreement. He was sentenced to five days in jail and fined $315.

Maxie Lee Smith, 52, was found guilty by Judge Steve Holwerda of filing a false report to law enforcement as a result of a plea agreement. He was sentenced to seven days in jail and fined $315.

Sarah Kay Leigh Snyder, 32, was found guilty by Judge Steve Holwerda of fourth-degree theft as a result of a plea agreement. She was sentenced to two days in jail and fined $315.

Matthew Michael Oharra, 28, was found guilty by Judge Thomas Mott of possession of drug paraphernalia as a result of a plea agreement. He was fined $65.

Joel Toto, 21, was found guilty by Judge Steve Holwerda of operating while intoxicated (first offense) as a result of a plea agreement. He was sentenced to two days in jail and fined $1,250.